01 - Creating a garden

Creating a garden #

Once dryad is installed, a garden can be created in the current directory by running dryad garden init.

This should create a file structure that looks something like:


In order to take advantage of the filesystem, dryad enforces a strict structure for workspaces and packages:

  • gardens are contained in a /dyd directory
  • gardens have a heap directory for caching build artifacts
  • gardens have a roots directory for the source packages to be built
  • gardens have a shed for storing garden configurations
  • gardens have a sprouts directory, where built packages are linked
  • gardens have an empty /dyd/type file at the base with the content garden (to flag the directory as a garden)

You can read more about the heap, roots, the shed, and sprouts in the [Concepts]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link concepts/index.md %}). But, the heap and the sprouts are build artifacts (or links to build artifacts). So, if this project is going to be stored in a version control system, you should likely ignore them.

Here is an example gitignore for ignoring the heap and sprouts in a git project:

# gitignore paths for a dryad garden